
binary decomposition aggregations set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary

Submitter Variables Constraints Density Status Group Objective MPS File
Elmar Swarat 393800 23069 3.63456e-04 open bab -656214.9542* bab3.mps.gz

Vehicle routing with profits and an integrated crew scheduling problem formulated by two coupled multi-commodity flow problems Imported from MIPLIB2010.

Instance Statistics

Detailed explanation of the following tables can be found here.

Size Related Properties
Original Presolved
Variables 393800 393512
Constraints 23069 22767
Binaries 393800 393512
Integers 0 0
Continuous 0 0
Implicit Integers 0 0
Fixed Variables 0 0
Nonzero Density 0.000363456 0.000368481
Nonzeroes 3301840 3301250
Constraint Classification Properties
Original Presolved
Total 23069 22767
Empty 0 0
Free 0 0
Singleton 240 0
Aggregations 52 4
Precedence 0 0
Variable Bound 0 0
Set Partitioning 1289 1481
Set Packing 308 296
Set Covering 0 6
Cardinality 2096 1904
Invariant Knapsack 17848 17872
Equation Knapsack 1072 1072
Bin Packing 0 0
Knapsack 36 8
Integer Knapsack 0 0
Mixed Binary 128 124
General Linear 0 0
Indicator 0 0


Available nonzero structure and decomposition information. Further information can be found here.

value min median mean max
Components 1.924279
Constraint % 0.298678 1.10327 0.913603 1.82721
Variable % 0.135447 1.20396 0.746610 3.15721
Score 0.901325

Best Known Solution(s)

Find solutions below. Download the archive containing all solutions from the Download page.

## Warning in lapply(df["exactobjval"], as.numeric): NAs introduced by coercion
ID Objective Exact Int. Viol Cons. Viol Obj. Viol Submitter Date Description
2 -656215.0 0 0 0 Robert Ashford and Alkis Vazacopoulus 2019-12-18 Found using ODH|CPlex
1 -656009.7 -656009.7 0 0 0 - 2018-10-12 Solution found during MIPLIB2017 problem selection.

Similar instances in collection

The following instances are most similar to bab3 in the collection. This similarity analysis is based on 100 scaled instance features describing properties of the variables, objective function, bounds, constraints, and right hand sides.

Instance Status Variables Binaries Integers Continuous Constraints Nonz. Submitter Group Objective Tags
bab2 hard 147912 147912 0 0 17245 2027726 Elmar Swarat bab -357544.3115 benchmark binary decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary
bab5 easy 21600 21600 0 0 4964 155520 Elmar Swarat bab -106411.8401 binary decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary
n2seq36q easy 22480 22480 0 0 2565 183292 R. Meirich nseq 52200 benchmark binary benchmark_suitable set_packing set_covering invariant_knapsack binpacking knapsack
neos-3555904-turama easy 37461 37461 0 0 146493 793605 Hans Mittelmann neos-pseudoapplication-81 -34.7 benchmark binary benchmark_suitable aggregations precedence variable_bound set_partitioning set_packing cardinality invariant_knapsack
bab6 hard 114240 114240 0 0 29904 1283181 Elmar Swarat bab -284248.2307000001 benchmark binary benchmark_suitable aggregations precedence set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary


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