
benchmark_suitable aggregations mixed_binary

Submitter Variables Constraints Density Status Group Objective MPS File
Jeff Linderoth 29400 39760 5.92986e-04 easy neos-pseudoapplication-17 3132 neos-5100895-inster.mps.gz

Instance Statistics

Detailed explanation of the following tables can be found here.

Size Related Properties
Original Presolved
Variables 29400 29400
Constraints 39760 39760
Binaries 56 56
Integers 0 0
Continuous 29344 29344
Implicit Integers 0 0
Fixed Variables 0 0
Nonzero Density 0.000592986 0.000592986
Nonzeroes 693168 693168
Constraint Classification Properties
Original Presolved
Total 39760 39760
Empty 0 0
Free 0 0
Singleton 0 0
Aggregations 29344 29344
Precedence 0 0
Variable Bound 0 0
Set Partitioning 0 0
Set Packing 0 0
Set Covering 0 0
Cardinality 0 0
Invariant Knapsack 0 0
Equation Knapsack 0 0
Bin Packing 0 0
Knapsack 0 0
Integer Knapsack 0 0
Mixed Binary 10416 10416
General Linear 0 0
Indicator 0 0


Available nonzero structure and decomposition information. Further information can be found here.

value min median mean max
Components 4.166519
Constraint % 0.00503 0.00503 0.00503 0.00503
Variable % 0.00680 0.00680 0.00680 0.00680
Score 0.737978

Best Known Solution(s)

No solution available for neos-5100895-inster .

Similar instances in collection

The following instances are most similar to neos-5100895-inster in the collection. This similarity analysis is based on 100 scaled instance features describing properties of the variables, objective function, bounds, constraints, and right hand sides.

Instance Status Variables Binaries Integers Continuous Constraints Nonz. Submitter Group Objective Tags
neos-5102383-irwell easy 51450 98 0 51352 65464 1213044 Jeff Linderoth neos-pseudoapplication-17 2210 decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations mixed_binary
neos-5079731-flyers easy 49686 98 0 49588 63112 1089564 Jeff Linderoth neos-pseudoapplication-17 2439.999999949 decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations mixed_binary
neos-5093327-huahum easy 40640 64 0 40576 51840 784768 Jeff Linderoth neos-pseudoapplication-17 6259.999997125895 benchmark decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations mixed_binary
neos-5076235-embley easy 49686 98 0 49588 63112 1089564 Jeff Linderoth neos-pseudoapplication-17 2362 decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations mixed_binary
maritime-jg3d9 easy 92261 36960 0 55301 126621 627969 Dimitri Papageorgiou maritime Infeasible infeasible decomposition aggregations precedence variable_bound set_partitioning set_packing cardinality invariant_knapsack mixed_binary general_linear


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Last Update 2024 by Mark Turner
generated with R Markdown
© by Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)