
binary decomposition benchmark_suitable set_partitioning set_packing cardinality invariant_knapsack knapsack

Submitter Variables Constraints Density Status Group Objective MPS File
NEOS Server Submission 167910 13189 2.18589e-04 easy neos-pseudoapplication-81 9360.999999999985 neos-941313.mps.gz

Instance coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application Imported from MIPLIB2010.

Instance Statistics

Detailed explanation of the following tables can be found here.

Size Related Properties
Original Presolved
Variables 167910 130710
Constraints 13189 13189
Binaries 167910 130710
Integers 0 0
Continuous 0 0
Implicit Integers 0 0
Fixed Variables 0 0
Nonzero Density 0.000218589 0.000240427
Nonzeroes 484080 414480
Constraint Classification Properties
Original Presolved
Total 13189 13189
Empty 0 0
Free 0 0
Singleton 0 0
Aggregations 0 0
Precedence 0 0
Variable Bound 0 0
Set Partitioning 9 9
Set Packing 780 2940
Set Covering 1170 0
Cardinality 40 40
Invariant Knapsack 0 10170
Equation Knapsack 0 0
Bin Packing 0 0
Knapsack 30 30
Integer Knapsack 0 0
Mixed Binary 11160 0
General Linear 0 0
Indicator 0 0


Available nonzero structure and decomposition information. Further information can be found here.

value min median mean max
Components 1.491362
Constraint % 3.32095 3.32095 3.32095 3.32095
Variable % 3.33333 3.33333 3.33333 3.33333
Score 0.963075

Best Known Solution(s)

Find solutions below. Download the archive containing all solutions from the Download page.

ID Objective Exact Int. Viol Cons. Viol Obj. Viol Submitter Date Description
2 9361 9361 0 0 0 - 2018-10-10 Solution found during MIPLIB2017 problem selection.
1 9361 9361 0 0 0 - 2018-10-10 Solution imported from MIPLIB2010.

Similar instances in collection

The following instances are most similar to neos-941313 in the collection. This similarity analysis is based on 100 scaled instance features describing properties of the variables, objective function, bounds, constraints, and right hand sides.

Instance Status Variables Binaries Integers Continuous Constraints Nonz. Submitter Group Objective Tags
n2seq36q easy 22480 22480 0 0 2565 183292 R. Meirich nseq 52200 benchmark binary benchmark_suitable set_packing set_covering invariant_knapsack binpacking knapsack
bab5 easy 21600 21600 0 0 4964 155520 Elmar Swarat bab -106411.8401 binary decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary
neos-3555904-turama easy 37461 37461 0 0 146493 793605 Hans Mittelmann neos-pseudoapplication-81 -34.7 benchmark binary benchmark_suitable aggregations precedence variable_bound set_partitioning set_packing cardinality invariant_knapsack
bab2 hard 147912 147912 0 0 17245 2027726 Elmar Swarat bab -357544.3115 benchmark binary decomposition benchmark_suitable aggregations set_partitioning set_packing set_covering cardinality invariant_knapsack equation_knapsack knapsack mixed_binary
graph40-20-1rand open 31243 31243 0 0 99067 345557 Michael Bastubbe graphs -15* binary decomposition precedence set_partitioning invariant_knapsack


 key = {zzz neos},
 note = {},
 title = {{NEOS} {S}erver for {O}ptimization},
 year = {2011}

Last Update 2024 by Julian Manns
generated with R Markdown
© by Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)