
set_covering cardinality mixed_binary

Submitter Variables Constraints Density Status Group Objective MPS File
NEOS Server Submission 128521 128880 4.6253e-05 open neos-pseudoapplication-60 632.0* ns1849932.mps.gz

Instance coming from the NEOS Server with unknown application. Imported from the MIPLIB2010 submissions.

Instance Statistics

Detailed explanation of the following tables can be found here.

Size Related Properties
Original Presolved
Variables 128521 128163
Constraints 128880 127808
Binaries 128164 127806
Integers 0 0
Continuous 357 357
Implicit Integers 0 0
Fixed Variables 0 0
Nonzero Density 4.62530e-05 4.66839e-05
Nonzeroes 766124 764694
Constraint Classification Properties
Original Presolved
Total 128880 127808
Empty 0 0
Free 0 0
Singleton 1072 0
Aggregations 0 0
Precedence 0 0
Variable Bound 0 0
Set Partitioning 0 0
Set Packing 0 0
Set Covering 358 358
Cardinality 358 358
Invariant Knapsack 0 0
Equation Knapsack 0 0
Bin Packing 0 0
Knapsack 0 0
Integer Knapsack 0 0
Mixed Binary 127092 127092
General Linear 0 0
Indicator 0 0


Available nonzero structure and decomposition information. Further information can be found here.

value min median mean max
Components 0.30103
Constraint % 99.4398 99.4398 99.4398 99.4398
Variable % 99.4429 99.4429 99.4429 99.4429
Score 0.00554

Best Known Solution(s)

Find solutions below. Download the archive containing all solutions from the Download page.

## Warning in lapply(df["exactobjval"], as.numeric): NAs introduced by coercion
ID Objective Exact Int. Viol Cons. Viol Obj. Viol Submitter Date Description
8 632 0 0 0 Mars Davletshin 2023-12-23 The solution was obtained using machine learning-based large neighborhood search with Huawei OptVerse solver (version 0.7.0).
7 638 638 0 0 0 Michael Winkler 2023-01-05 Found with Gurobi 9.5.1 with the NoRel heuristic (and MIPGAP=0) on an AMD EPYC 7313P (16 Cores) with 256GB RAM.
6 639 639 0 0 0 Edward Rothberg 2022-07-12 Obtained with Gurobi 9.5 using the NoRel heuristic.
5 668 668 0 0 0 Edward Rothberg 2020-09-14 Found with Gurobi
4 676 676 0 0 0 Edward Rothberg 2020-04-22 Obtained with Gurobi 9.0 using the solution improvement heuristic
3 790 0 0 0 Edward Rothberg 2019-12-13 Obtained with Gurobi 9.0
2 1531 0 0 0 Robert Ashford and Alkis Vazacopoulus 2019-12-18 Found using ODH|CPlex
1 1828 1828 0 0 0 - 2018-10-11 Solution found during MIPLIB2017 problem selection.

Similar instances in collection

The following instances are most similar to ns1849932 in the collection. This similarity analysis is based on 100 scaled instance features describing properties of the variables, objective function, bounds, constraints, and right hand sides.

Instance Status Variables Binaries Integers Continuous Constraints Nonz. Submitter Group Objective Tags
neos-2294525-abba easy 10842 10086 0 756 11122 80010 Jeff Linderoth neos-pseudoapplication-46 321.1522319 decomposition precedence set_partitioning cardinality mixed_binary
neos-5266653-tugela open 23310 22662 0 648 23458 171534 Hans Mittelmann neos-pseudoapplication-102 65505.2005752763* decomposition precedence set_partitioning cardinality binpacking knapsack mixed_binary
neos-5260764-orauea hard 12940 12580 0 360 12304 82620 Hans Mittelmann neos-pseudoapplication-102 82593.16768840607 decomposition variable_bound set_partitioning cardinality binpacking knapsack mixed_binary
ns1905797 open 18192 17676 4 512 51884 239700 NEOS Server Submission neos-pseudoapplication-102 no_solution aggregations precedence variable_bound set_partitioning cardinality mixed_binary general_linear
neos-1456979 easy 4605 4245 180 180 6770 36440 NEOS Server Submission neos-pseudoapplication-102 176 benchmark decomposition benchmark_suitable variable_bound set_partitioning set_packing cardinality knapsack mixed_binary general_linear


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